Emoji Key
🎥 Video Camera Emoji means this link contains a video
- 6 Questions for Eric Eggert
- The A11Y Project: Home
- accessibility | Adrian Roselli
- Accessibility Advocates Oppose Disability Simulations
- Accessibility Is Expensive
- Accessibility Technology and Innovation Lab at Verizon
- Apple Vision Pro – with 1% vision
- Be flexible about what people need (and don't assume).
- Brain scans can translate a person’s thoughts into words
- Building inclusive products for trans people
- Creating Accessible UI Animations
- 🎥 CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Keynote Address by Haben Girma
- Deceptive Patterns (aka Dark Patterns)
- Ethical Web Principles
- Exploring the challenges in creating an accessible sortable list (drag-and-drop)
- Fleeing the LA fires alone on a wheelchair: ‘I had to take my chances’
- Hot in Here: Heat Waves, Climate Change, and Disability
- How to Be a Disability Ally
- How to Make Your Website Accessible for People Who Are Deaf
- How will Long-Covid Change the UX Accessibility Landscape? | by Gareth Ford Williams | Jul, 2021 | UX Collective
- Innovation without barriers
- Introducing inert
- It needs to map back to a role
- It’s all squiggles to me. The letterforms we use daily to write… | by Bruno Maag | The Readability Group | Jun, 2021 | Medium
- Knowbility – Digital accessibility consulting, training, and advocacy — Knowbility
- Lē Silveus McNamara talks about neurodivergence, color choices, and overstimulation
- Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: invisible disabilities - Accessibility in government
- Library: Accessibility resources, guides, communities, and more (getstark.co)
- Linux Accessibility: an unmaintained Mess
- Lost in Translation: Tips for Multilingual Web Accessibility
- Make-It-Accessible
- Making Accessibility a Habit
- Making Events Accessible: Checklist for meetings, conferences, training, and presentations that are remote/virtual, in-person, or hybrid
- Making Math Accessible
- Making Your PowerPoint Accessible: Step-by-Step Guide
- Manifesto for a Humane Web
- Masonry and reading order
- METALLICA To Become First Major Rock Band To Release All Music Videos From One Album In American Sign Language
- More common accessibility issues that you can fix today
- Morgan's Wonderland - The World's First Ultra-Accessible™ Theme Park
- My Approach to Alt Text
- My Thoughts on Accessibility of NFTs and Web3
- My Top 10 Take Aways from 2024 that Impacted Canadians with Disabilities
- Navigating the Accessibility Challenges of LinkedIn Carousels
- ND Life Experiences
- Neurodiversity and UX: Essential Resources for Cognitive Accessibility
- Notes on implementing dark mode
- Opportunities for AI in Accessibility
- Overlay Fact Sheet
- Overlay False Claims
- Overlay Position and Recommendations
- Overlays Underwhelm: a11y NYC
- p5.js Web Accessibility
- PDFs, non-HTML documents, and accessibility
- Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool (PEAT)
- Plain Language & Accessibility
- Portland Trail Blazers make games more accessible to blind and low vision fans
- Prineville, Bend students make ADA-compliant covered wagons
- Proposed Census Changes Would Drastically Undercount Disabled Americans
- Public Neurodiversity Support Center
- Quick and Small Accessibility
- Quick tip: Everyday Accessibility - The A11Y Project
- React accessibility resources
- Responsive accessibility using visibility hidden
- Running usability sessions with assistive technology users: a guide for beginners
- Session timeouts
- Shift further left with Deque’s axe-linter for VS Code | Deque
- Socks, lies, and accessibility
- Software accessibility for users with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
- State and Local Governments: First Steps Toward Complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act Title II Web and Mobile Application Accessibility Rule
- Stop trying to recruit unicorns with acorns
- Stripes(): the border function you never knew you needed
- Supporting Deaf-Owned Businesses: A Guide to Holiday Shopping
- Tech Writing for Accessibility self-study
- Text descriptions for data visualisations
- The accessibility community is not the disability community
- The Accessibility Mindset: Moving Beyond Remediating, Fixing, and Reacting
- The biggest assistive technology and accessibility triumphs of 2023
- The Cost of Comfort with Chronic Illness
- The Deaf Experience in Telehealth Accessibility
- The details and summary elements, again
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Global Accessibility Awareness Day
- The politics of accessibility
- The problem with “click here” and “learn more” links | by Cynthia Marinakos | Oct, 2021 | UX Collective
- The road to HTMHell is paved with semantics — Vadim Makeev
- The Surprising Truth About Pixels and Accessibility
- The ultimate ADHD-friendly communication guide
- There is no character limit for “alt text”
- Three attributes for better web forms
- Time for government to stop using Medium
- Types of Color Vision Deficiency
- Understanding Logical Focus Order | DevYarns
- Understanding VPATs and ACRs: Key Insights
- Unique job site can help neurodivergent people find meaningful work — while being themselves
- Using AI for Accessibility: Breaking Down Barriers in Content Creation?! — Moritz Gießmann, UX Engineer and Accessibility Expert from Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Vision Accessibility on Apple Vision Pro
- Vision Pro Accessibility in the Real(ish) World
- Washington to fix accessibility violations at its state parks
- WCAG, but in language I can understand
- WCAG, VPAT, s508, Level A – What on earth?
- We are Colorblind
- We need beach access for everyone, and that includes people with a disability (theconversation.com)
- Web Accessibility: An Overview for Businesses and Consultants
- Web Accessibility for Newbies. Introductory information and advice on… | by Karina Chow | Level Up Coding (gitconnected.com)
- Web Accessibility in the 2024 Presidential Campaigns
- WebAIM: Visual Disabilities - Color-blindness
- WebAIM: Web Accessibility In Mind
- Webbed Briefs
- Webinar: How Persons with Disabilities Use the Web
- What a Blind Photographer Saw at the Paralympics
- What People with Disabilities Should Do as DEI Programs Begin to Disappear
- What we learned about accessibility by scanning more than 2 million federal .gov web pages -- FCW
- When security and accessibility clash: why are banking applications so inaccessible?
- Why ‘dark mode’ causes more accessibility issues than it solves | by H Locke | Level Up Coding (gitconnected.com)
- Why the ‘none of the above’ checkbox pattern worries me
- Why You Need To Do User Testing With Deaf And Hard Of Hearing People | Fable
- Widgets vs. Direct Remediation: A cost analysis for SMBs
- XR Accessibility: for people with seeing disabilities
- Your eight-step PDF accessibility checklist
- Your site or app should work as much as possible without JavaScript
- #A11y Rules Podcast - Conversations around web accessibility
- #A11yBy
- #CriticalAxis: a community driven project from The Disabled List