AssistiveWare ushers in next generation of augmentative and alternative communication technology
EnChroma® Color Blind Glasses | Cutting-Edge Lens Technology
Fingerspelling with Machine Learning
Hearing Aids
- Apple’s AirPods Pro Could Soon Disrupt the Hearing Aid Industry
- How Apple Airpods and Other Wireless Earbuds Can Be Used as Hearing Aids
Sign Language
- ASL Now
- SLAIT’s real-time sign language translation promises more accessible online communication – TechCrunch
Switch Control
- Axess Lab | Assistive Technologies – The Switch
- I Used a Switch Control for a Day - 24 Accessibility (24a11y.com)
- One switch. One head. The world.
- How to start testing screen reader support using VoiceOver – Yakim
- VoiceOver’s Trackpad Commander on Mac
- A to Z of assistive technology for reading digital text
- Accessibility Technology & Tools
- Amazon debuts Eye Gaze accessibility features on the Fire Max 11 tablet
- Apple's highlights how its new tool helps disabled users communicate with Personal Voice
- Assistive Technology in Action - Meet Mason
- AT Is More Than Screen Readers
- Baking Banana Bread With Assistive Technology
- Be My Eyes
- Challenge 2: Assistive Tech
- Coding accessibility: Disability as catalyst for creativity
- Personal Voice on iPhone | The Lost Voice | Apple
- Sound of Silence: AT&T 5G Helmet | AT&T and Gallaudet University
- Using technology to open up wilderness trails to people with disabilities
- WebAIM: Screen Reader User Survey #10 Results